Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Monday Munchies

Monday is my favorite day of the week! I know I might sound crazy but this is my most productive and creative day of the week. I love to meal prep and cook on Mondays, I look forward to it each week.

I tend to grocery shop Monday's as well so that is when my produce is SUPER fresh and the best time to cook with it.

I meal planned this week and wanted to share with you all what I am eating this week:


Monday, February 26, 2018

Staying Fit in Spring

Spring and summer are right around the corner so now is the time to get motivated and start working out!

I never really enjoyed going to the gym and I HATED running. As I have gotten older, I have really started to appreciate my time at the gym and how I feel strong afterwards. That is the point of working out and staying healthy, feeling strong and confident with yourself!

I hold myself accountable each month by setting up a workouts schedule and making sure I go each time I schedule myself for the gym! (Plus cute workout clothes help a lot)

I have included a few of my past month workout calendars, as well as one for March! Lets get fit together!

A blank one for you to fill out!! 
How do you stay fit this spring?


Saturday, February 24, 2018

What I am Pinning Right Now!

I have my Pinterest broken down into a bunch of different categories like everyone else!

Lately, I have been saving lots of recipes because I am trying to cook from home more often and eat a little better:

I have also been saving some Pins on teaching ideas for my future classroom:

Now that spring is just around the corner and spring break is sneaking up, I am saving new spring style ideas as well: 

I am also on a hunt for a new swim suit, so that is next to be added to my boards! 


Friday, February 23, 2018

Hello & Welcome!

After a little push and encouragement from my friends I am back to blogging! This is my second go at running a lifestyle & fashion blog. The first time, the blog was all over the place and not focused on a specific area. However, now that I am getting closer and closer to becoming a teacher, my life has become more focused. Hopefully that will translate over to this! 

I want to create a space to share my teaching ideas, connect with educators, share lifestyle tips, and explore new fashion!

I am a Junior in college studying Elementary Education and English! I love 4th graders but I would be happy wherever I end up. Equitable education is very close to my heart and holds great importance in my life. Everyone deserves an equal education! 

Stick along for the journey and subscribe so you know when I post! 

This is me and my best friend (a skinny vanilla latte with two extra shots) !